February 7, 2005

Poker Blogs

I've been checking out some other poker blogs recently, they evoked mixed feelings from me. Primarily my feelings were toward my own inadequacy in my treatment of poker as a business. My most elaborate form of record keeping to date were notes jotted on receipts I found in my pocket. Actually, I scribbled accounts of my daily wins and losses on my mousepad, too. "Stop loss at $1200! Stop win at $3500!" No date, no time, pretty much just me venting between hands. But that's the point of these things, to interact and gain insight from others.

Actually, I was also displeased at a few of them. What displeased me is that I fear my own blog falls right in with the rest. "I am 20-29 years old and I am a 'professional poker player.'" Then there's little insinuations about how high they play and how much they know about the game. "When I was at the casino the other day..." you gotta have the brick-and-mortar stories in there to give you some street cred, right? Who cares about some schmo who sits in front of his computer all day. The really slick poker bloggies are hip to the big "home games" around town and love to imply that they have an in at underground poker clubs.

I fear that I frequently fall victim to stroking my ego by regaling others with my poker this and that. I build myself up to be some sort of savvy gambler with all the right connections around town. The fact of the matter is that I have probably only netted a few grand in my poker career and the only private games I play in are with a bunch of lames just like me. The last time I went to the casino I lost all $130 I sat down with at a $3/$6 game, $100 of which I had to borrow.

You know something else? I didn't write that down either.