February 12, 2005

Let the Good Times Sooooaaaaar!

Last night Alex and I drove up to Soaring Eagle for a little poker action. He didn't have any money, so I staked him $180 for the $3/$6 game with the understanding that if he won, he'd kick back 50% of the profits to me. I got on the list for $6/$12 and we both got seats around the same time (8:30 PM).

For a while (first 3-4 hours) we were both doing well, he was up around $150, I was up around $200. However, being the poker crazed degenerates that we are, we kept deciding to stay longer and longer. I was getting up every once in while to pop over to table #13 only to watch Alex's (a.k.a. - my) profits dwindiling. My stack was also experiencing some fluctuations, and I was bouncing between even and up $100. At around 4 AM we finally decided to call it quits, I was down around $60 at poker, and Alex had worked my $180 stake down to $23. Great.

The poker really wasn't that exciting. Some of the events at my table were kind of crazy, though. There was a really drunk guy who was putting on a big production as to how drunk he was. He was singing and yelping and generally making an ass out of himself. He was pretty damn annoying, especially when considering that he wasn't losing as fast as he should have been. The other thing was a big conflict that arose after a big pot that I was also involved in (top two pair, Aces and Queens - pbbbt).

It was four handed the whole way, and by the river I had top two, but it kept getting raised, so I was pretty confident they were no good (I was getting 3:1 on my money the whole way, and by the river my call was a lot better odds than that). The problem was this fat oaf in the middle kept putting in bets and a half. He was just stupid and didn't know what was going on, and the dealer kept instructing him to complete his "raise" even though he obviously only meant to call. After 52os dragged the $500+ pot with a wheel caught on the river, the floor was called. They decided that it wasn't tubby's fault for 1/2 raising and that pissed off the black guy who also was in the hand. They had some words, and the oaf told him to shut the hell up, or something like that. I thought that dumb white guy's ass was going to be grass, b/c the other dude just went off. Anyway, the staff got 'em settled down, but it was pretty crazy while it lasted.

I played ok but not great, I have the feeling Alex just went completely on tilt, and the blackjack dealer didn't seem too happy about my little comments as he plundered $70 more of my bankroll at around 4 in the morning.