I think that when I play poker it's important for me to get off to a good start. I may try an experiment where I quit for 12 hours whenever I lose the first two hands I play. In fact, I may even try a new stop-loss program. Maybe something like 10 small bets (-$50 in a $5/$10 game). I know it's easy to lose that even in the first hand, but it's an experiment. The object is to prevent these monster tailspins I am quite capable of thrusting myself into.
This weekend has been of the "Good Start" type. Saturday I calculated that my entire poker bankroll was down to a couple hundred bucks, so I put about half of it - $150 - on Paradise, after having busted my entire $500 deposit in one evening last Monday. I got good cards and good action yesterday, and in about 500 hands, I was winning $370. Today I played less, maybe 250 hands, and pumped up the total Paradise roll to $700. That accomodates for last Monday with a little teeny bit extra for my trouble. Now all I have to do is accomodate for last weekend, and every other crappy weekend from here back to September '04 ($50 down, $4,650 to go).
"Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die." - Augustine