In light of the recent static I have received from apparent acquaintances who view this blog I would like to address this issue. I regret that this blog contains elements that are scarcely different from the norm in weblog journals: unabashed narcissism. I had no idea so many people would be so captivated by my self-indulgent ranting, nor do I really have any idea how some of you readers out there ever came across this site in the first place. Recently I have made posts that were more directed in the sense that I wrote them knowing that you all out there were reading this thing. I feel that the original intention of this blog has been corrupted as a result of my propensity to foster petty bickering. From this point onward I will try to be more sincere in the posts I make about the world of poker and how I interact with it.
Despite the insulting methodology of the negative feedback, I have gained some insight as a result of it. In an attempt to improve myself I wish to express that I do feel badly about the arrogance that I often express. I feel that I have bettered myself as a person as a result of my experiences at poker, and I think that this is another opportunity to continue in that. Deeply seated personality traits are not easily overcome, but I would rather make an effort to be a better person than to just clench my teeth and barge into another competition of bull-headedness.
That being said, I still wish to reiterate a request I made in a previous post: please don't turn the comment section of this blog into a forum for hurling anonymous insults which do not carry any explicit constructive qualities. I would much prefer if comments were reserved for DISCUSSION OF IDEAS. Thank You.