First of all, I want to thank everyone who takes time out of their day to check out this blog. Whether you agree with my opinions or approve of what I do, the fact that you are keeping up with my posts about something that is important to me is meaningful. When I make a post on this site it represents my personal, unadulterated opinion. If I feel the occasion calls for it I don't mince words. There are people out there who have trouble coping with frank opinion, especially if they don't happen to share it. Folks, no one is forcing you to keep tabs on my posts here, but the fact that you do is very validating. Also, the comment feedback has been a fun way to interact directly with the faithful readers (I say this tongue-in-cheek because as far as I know, I am the only faithful reader). However, I am disappointed that a few of the comments have been senseless non-isms equating to a personal attack. Don't get me wrong, I love it when people are compelled by my posts to comment on them, for good or bad. I'm just a little confused as to why a.) the people who leave negative comments bother reading the posts in the first place, and b.) why people who seemingly do not know me at all feel qualified to stake a stance on what I do.
Again, understand that this is not some sort of ultimatum crying for the cease and dissist of negative comments. If you don't agree with what I've posted, let me know about it - I'm more than happy to issue responses to all comments. But in the future, try to have some sort of relevant purpose if you feel the need to make a comment.